
Answer From The Universe

Yesterday it happened again. I had a strong desire and the universe took immedate action. Lately the knittee is very busy researching technical details on cameras and he told me about this very tempting one that soon became an object of my desire. Of course it comes with a correspongingly imppressive price tag. But knowing that the "how" is not my job, cause it will be taken care of by the universe, while I need to concentrate on my wish and the allowance part, I printed out the image of the said camera to stick it onto my vision board.

My next move was submitting pictures to a photography contest. At least that was my intention. But I stumbled upon a category that I had neglected before. It came with an entry fee, and so I had excluded it from my mind. Also because the prize was a camera, and at that point of my journey I was focused on additional sources of income in order to finance the frequent journeys between two continents. Wait a second...... the prize was a camera? Yes, you are right. A camera. THE very camera I am desiring. What a prompt reply of the universe.
Needless to say that I sorted through my pictures the same evening and entered this category just now. They asked for a body of work comprised of 10 pictures. I've seen very stunning images so far, and a video interview with the jurors, in which they offer their recommendations for every applicant. Some statements were disheartening, while others stated the total opposite. So I followed my heart and focused on those that would encourage everyone who felt the call to participate.

In my selection I concentrated on the theme that allways makes me forget the time. The beauty of flowers. I am a very intuitive photographer, I follow my whims and inner voice. I opened my files and exposed the pictures that are closest to my heart. So it's up to the universe now to decide, if this camera is an important step on my journey. Although I know that the universe does not need any assistance in order to fulfill a wish, a bit of cooperation on my part doesn't hurt either. ;-))).

1 comment:

  1. best of luck. Lovely photo by the way!
