

This morning is was listening to an Abraham workshop and they mentioned the phrase "turn the other cheek". Don't worry, this is not going to be a highly religious post - lol. But it made me wonder, since I had chewed over that phrase a lot as a child, when I used to go to church every Sunday. Why would Jesus want us to have our other ear boxed as well? I wondered. Wasn't it enough to have been beaten once? What purpose would this achieve?

When I heard the line again this morning, I had an epiphany. Maybe it was only meant metaphorically - like almost everything else he said, haha, big news - and not directing us into a passive state of mind, letting the other one treat us ill. What if it was a hint for us to change our perspective and view the situation - and the opponent - from a different angle. Focusing on the aspects we like and that would make us feel good. By law of attraction we would receive only, what we deliberately concentrate upon. Thus we might be able to love our enemies, if we find something about them, that we appreciate.

Things like that happen to me all the time. I had a strong dislike for certain dialects, but whenever I met someone reaaaallllly nice, who happened to be from that region, the queer pronunciation grew on me and I started to associate a lot of positive things when I met other people from that part of the country as well.

How fatal that Jesus seems to be mostly misunderstood by those, who claim to preach the gospel. But I won't focus on THAT! I rather practice to turn the other cheek. ;-)))))


  1. What a great epiphany! I think you are on to something here.

  2. LOL, and guess what? When I heard the line that inspired this post, they weren't that explicit as to what it exactly means. But today I heard another passage and they explained it exactly in the way I had interpreted it. That was very nice to hear this morning.
