
Creating and Co-Creating

A funny thing happened. On Sunday I visited with my friend in her beautiful garden. We talked about this and that and all of a sudden she complained about the outrageously high gas prices these days. Since I am reading the teachings of Abraham by Esther and Jerry Hicks at the moment, I was well aware of my emotions entering a downward spiral of feeling quite helpless about this situation. But instead of jumping on that train I said: "Well, then let's create a different situation. Did I tell you that the gas prices have dropped so much, that they're below 1.20 again?"

"Well that's not what I've heard," she said, and I thought, ok, now we're back on the stoney tracks of hard facts again. But to my utter surprise she continued: "They are even lower. And on top of that they stopped that silly ,9 cent thing, that is ever so irritating and misleading anyhow."

With delight I joined in, telling that the downward trend in gas prices would always be followed by good deals on plane tickets as well. Immediately I felt my feelings shift from unease to light-heartedness and joy. So I basked in that emotion, thankful that my friend, whom I never told anything about the Law of Attraction program, had returned my playful ball of creative daydreaming.

Although I know, that the Law of Attraction is a very powerful one if not the most powerful one in the whole universe, one thing really caught me by surprise the very next day on my way to the "playground" (which some people with limited imagination skills refer to as "the office" btw). As I drove by the gas station I noticed that the prices had dropped by more than 10 cents. I texted my friend this good news, and on the following day the prices went down again. They haven't stopped this silly .9 cent thingy yet, but we are working on it, so I guess they soon will. ;-)))).
PS: By the way, did I tell you that I won a huge price in a photo contest, my soul mate earned 200.000 $ this year, and they're coming up with cars now that wouldn't need gas at all?

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