
What is distance ?

Yesterday my mother reminded me of a moving story about a painter, whom we both had the fortune to meet, before she passed away last year. She was a very amazing woman with a lot of mental powers and a mission to protect trees. It's no wonder that her motifs were often dominated by plants in general and trees in particular.

One time she was on a vacation with her son, when he was still little. He liked the place so much that he begged her to stay for another week. She wanted to fulfill this wish, but she didn't have anyone to water the plants at home. So she told him that they could stay under the condition, that he would sit down with her every day and envision how they would water the plants at home. The boy agreed.

When they came home all the plants had survived, except for one. They had both forgotten to include that very pot of flowers.

This is a sound proof that thought is a powerful agent, which can conquer any distance. I want to seize this opportunity to thank all the people, who send loving and healing thoughts to my mom and my dad. I am sure the universe will be able to deliver the message even to those who are not following this blog.

Thank you! All your help is highly appreciated.




A wish granted

Right before my last trip to Merryland I had the out of the blue desire to buy a fish eye lens. I had toyed with the idea for a long time, but since you can only achieve one effect with this fixed focal length lens, I had abandoned the whole thought.

Until one week before my trip. Like a lightning bolt I had the brainwave, there was no doubt, no reasoning, just the very pure desire to get it. No sooner said than done, and like I hoped: the delivery date was two days prior to my departure.

On the appointed day I watched the inbox of my office like a sniffer dog. No such luck. No lens. Okay, sometimes it takes a day longer, I thought. There was still another day. I sent rockets of desire asking for the lens to be delivered. The next morning, nothing again. I checked online to see, that the lens had in fact be delivered and accepted by a guy who doesn't work at my company at all. Obviously there had been a mistake. I called the online store and learned that they would have to file a complaint at the carrier service. This would take about a WEEEEEEEEK to be answered. They advised me against calling them myself, as I was only the addressee, so they would simply refer me back to the online store. Ugh.

I sensed that I had been a bit inaccurate with my wish. I should have wished to take the lens with me. I should have imagined the fun using it, rather than thinking about the logistics and how it could possibly get to me in time. It's not my job to take care of the how, it's my job to take care of the why. It dawned on me that there was a lesson to be learned.

I called the carrier anyway. I thought that the universe could manage everything in my favor, but I needed to open any door possible myself. Maybe the universe was just waiting for me to look there, like on an Easter eggs hunt. The carrier service person was very nice, but he explained that they would have to file a search request in their computer system. That was all he could do, unless I needed the item for professional use, which I, of course, confirmed. After all, he didn't ask what profession, right? ;-))) He said that this could speed up things immensely. He also listed my cell phone number and told me that I would be called during the afternoon.

Afterwards I took my chances and went to the neighbor companies. Maybe someone had accepted the package, not noticing that it was delivered to the wrong address. Everthing within my power had been done. More rockets of desire had been sent to the universe, with a corrected wish of course.

When I got home to pack I saw a van of the carrier service in front of my house. What a tingling sensation. But they only delivered something next door. I still had high hopes that somehow my lens could be found. I didn't know how, but whenever logic tried to kick in, explaining that it couldn't be found in only a few hours, I forced it back, focusing on my wish and imagining how much fun it would be, to take pictures with the fish eye.

Then my cell phone rang. The parcel had been found and was close by at a carrier's package station. They offered to bring it to my house, since I wasn't in the office anymore. Within two more hours I held the fish eye lens in my hands.

I think I will make it a point to exercise more accurate wishing in the future. It's all about the why and not the how. ;-))

Can a wish be denied?

Last weekend I had an epiphany at the grocery store - of all places ;-))). I was standing in line at the cash register with a whole bunch of items already on the belt, when I saw a man with a single quart of milk lining up behind me. I asked him, if he wanted to pay first. Although it really doesn't make a difference, but I myself find it more annoying to wait in line, when I have only one or two items than when there is a lot to check out. Illogical, but true.

Anyway, this gentleman obviously shared my sentiments and gladly went in front of me. Almost instantly a woman appeared behind me in the line, who carried three items. While the gentleman had been waiting patiently, she actually asked me, if I could let her pay first. I denied, telling her that I had already let the other gentleman move up the line, and I really wanted to finish my grocery shopping at that point.

She moved to another line, and I saw that this was a very quick one. She had paid all her things, before the gentlemen in front of me was even able to put his milk on the belt. To my surprise I felt relief. Isn't it wonderful that the universe takes care of everything? We don't have to sacrifice our own needs in order to support others. Their wishes will be granted, if they are in alignment with them, no matter what. Instead of hustling all the time to keep everyone happy, I just need to stay in tune with what's best for me - and not only causing no damage to others, but rather acting towards their benefit. Quite amazing, isn't it?

Another reminder that it's better to be still for a moment and listen to my inner voice. And maybe sometimes, when I am under the impression, that my wishes are denied, the universe is only pushing me towards a better route.


Seeking Beauty

Sometimes when I am in a so-so or even a bad mood I would grab my camera and go on a picture hunt. Provided I have the time, of course. Usually I come back with at least one or two keepers, and also with more peace and quiet in my heart.

One day it dawned on my why that is. Our world is such a rich buffet of variety, and whenever I fail to see it's beauty, what would be more logical than to venture out with the deliberate intent to find it? The world has never disappointed me, even on a rainy day. (Thanks to the universe I now have a camera that won't have a nervous breakdown at the sight of a few drops.)

So is it my shifted attitude or the reward in pictures that restores the peace? Probably both since the pictures help me to focus on the magic and to block out everything unwanted. ;-)))


A world teeming with coincidences

The Knittee brought a cuddly bee. It's soft and sweet and I simply love it. I can't help it, but I do have a soft spot for soft toys. Funnily enough, since that happened I seem to be surrounded by bees. They gather on all the flowers I want to shoot, which I think is very cute. Law Of Attraction at it's best.

If you start looking for evidence it's really not that hard to see. Wherever you go you will encounter the things that resonate within you. The other day I listened to Abraham in the car, when the guy who sat in the hot seat asked, if men could deliver babies. If the universe had the wherewithal to manifest every desire it creates, something like this should be possible too. Just at that moment I drove past an advertisment with a pregnant "woman" - only you couldn't see if it really was a women. The picture only showed her belly.

And yesterday the door on the driver's side of my car got scratched. It's a bit annoying. My car is not a virgin anymore and the cosmetic surgery to pretend it was would cost more than the appearance would justify. Anyhow, this morning I listened to Abraham, when Esther told a story about her and Jerry getting back to their car only to find that someone had scratched it.

I wonder what would happen if I ran around with a sticker stating "I LOVE MONEY".

How to communicate?

I was listening to Abraham again - yes I do this very often ;-))) - and they talked about us being non-physical source for the most part and only physical in the material world for a small percentage. - Yes, they do tell this very often as well ;-)))). So I wondered what this would mean in terms of communication. If I am mostly source and someone else is mostly source, couldn't we just was well communicate on this level? Or are we possibly communicating on this level perfectly all the time, while our physical self sometimes misses out on the harmony because it's too far out of the vortex?

So if we try to have a conversation entertaining words and we face disagreement, the most logical thing to do would be getting into the vortex, rather than trying to solve it using our limited language. Like Einstein said:

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.
We can even put it to a higher level. If we trained ourselves into communicating more from within the vortex, it wouldn't matter that much, if we could not talk to each other in the physical. And then we wouldn't worry about people making their transition into the non-physical, because this would be like the switch from using skype rather than the telephone.

Would we stop seeing each other or talking to each other? Of course not. It's way too much fun.

PS: If you want to see a real good movie that shows how many of our relationship quarrels are self-induced without any prompting of the significant other, check out "Lars and the Real Girl". It's a must-see. No question my favorite scene is the one with the teddy bear.


Focus on the good stuff

This Friday I had a pleasant experience. Since the knittee is here to visit, he wanted to practice a bit of table tennis. Usually I accompany him to give him a ride, watch some games, knit, and so forth. This time I wanted to use the precious minutes to send my mother Reiki to support her on her journey into perfect health and well-being.

Instead of doing the obvious, which would have been to go outside and sit in the nice patio, I sat in the gym amidst the pinging and ponging of the table tennis balls, the shouting of the players, and the humidity of their sweat. I realized this when I had already started, so I didn't want to stop at that moment. I simply focussed on my mom and blurred out everything else. Maybe it was due to the macros we took right before we drove to the gym, but I had this insight, that our mind is not so much different from a macro lense. If we want to focus on something we can blurr out all the rest. And then a environment of unpleasant debris can function as a very becoming backdrop.


Daylight Daydreaming

Instead of getting lost in a daydream, we encourage everyone to practice Daylight Dreaming.

Utilize your imaginative power to add joy, color, and purpose to your life.

With Daylight Dreaming all your days will be light!


Abraham Exercises

Since I am listening to the teachings of Abraham I am more aware, that all I want is to feel good and that it lies within my power to get there. Of course the trick is to reach for the better feeling thought. The more it is my absolute intent to feel as good as I can in my actual situation, the more I can't help to notice that new exercises to train my happy muscles pop up. The good thing about them is they're custom made and thus fit perfectly. The yoga massage was just one example.

Although the Abraham teachings provide everyone who cares to listen with a whole set of wonderful processes to move up the emotional scale, I really like it that they sort of deliver some that seem to be made just for me right into my lap. Today it happened again. I was driving home from my parents and after listening to Abraham for a while I needed some more rhythm. So I set my mp3 music player to shuffle mode, which is one of my new favorite games while driving. I have about 100 GB of music on there, and with my very versatile and all over the place taste in music - I just love the variety - you can imagine that some pieces would be very suitable for driving while others are out of the question. Mediation music, some pieces from Soundtracks that make sense in the context but otherwise, no thank you ... you get the idea. So there is a lot of flipping to the next song involved, also because not every song which is fit for driving will automatically fit my mood at that moment. But it's such a fun game to play whenever I don't have a clear desire for a certain cd or song.

I have found quite a few songs that I never paid attention to before. On the other hand I sometimes click away songs, that I would define as my favorites, just because I am not in the right mood for them now. Lately I realized that sometimes it takes a while to sound myself out if I want the song or not. And today it hit me. This is just like reaching for a better feeling thought.

It's not important if the thought made me feel better yesterday, today it might not be the right one to do the trick. It's not important if the thought would have shocked me only a week ago, if that's the one to improve my vibration right now. Sifting through the music is not so much different from that reaching out to find a thought that makes me feel better. - Haha, talking about vibration anyway.

With the music I have the full confidence to find some song eventually that makes me really feel good. And there is always more that I can add. It gives me the opportunity to evaluate my emotions quicker and quicker. It's like sharpening my instrument for vibrational fine tuning. This is so much fun.

If I go and choose a piece deliberately, chances are that I will try to match up the music with my current vibration - which is ok if you feel quite good. But whenever I let chance be my DJ, I am seeking for a piece that will make me feel better than the last piece did. It's like emotional mountain climbing, and I am determined to make it to the top. ;-)))

PS: I saw this writing on the street after visiting my mom yesterday. For the first time in weeks she had asked for a special food, and she ate a lot of it. My dad and I were so relieved, that her appetite is back. When we walked along this street, we had just come from the hospital and were on our way to visit my brother, who had refused to talk to my parents five years ago. He reconciled with them a while ago, so this is history now and he even invited us to his new home. A lot to be happy about.
PPS: Also I want to express my thanks to everyone who kept my mom in their good thoughts and sent healing vibrations. She has some miles to cover yet, but it all works.


Can you smell the pine trees?

Yesterday I experienced a wonderful, immediate manifestation. I always liked scented oils and used these cute little oil burners to enjoy the various fragrances. While lying on the yoga matt some days ago, my senses where spoiled by a whiff of orange and I remembered how much this scent always lightens up my spirits. So the first thing I did when I got home was to reactivate the big burner I have at home.

But I also thought this would be nice to have in my office again. I used to have one, but after it was broken I never replaced it. There was a time when they were so popular, that every person had at least one to spare because people were showered with them as gifts. Not anymore. I wouldn't even know where to buy one, nor did I have the time to stroll through the citiy and look for them. So I postponed the idea, knowing that I would stumble across one finally.

Yesterday a co-worker of mine unpromptedly asked me if I liked the scent of pine trees. Little did he know that this is one of my favorites when I go to Merryland. There are two places where you can smell them quite intensely, and I always take in a deep breath when I ride my bike there. So of course my answer was yes. Before I knew it there was this cute little light burning in my office giving off the wonderful aroma of pine trees.

That was quick and effortlessly.


Letting go of resistance

In the teachings of Abraham they describe the priciples of the Law Of Attraction as follows: Step One: We experience contrast which makes us know what we want instead. Step Two: The Universe answers and puts the desired object, feeling, person, experience, or what have you in our "Vibrational Escrow". Step Three: If we let go of resistance thus exercise allowance, the things we want will manifest in our experience.

Lately I felt challenged with a lot of things and thus my level of resistance might have risen a bit. Although I kept doing all my mental exercises, I felt I could do with some relief. Two wonderful friends have told me about taking yoga-massages. I had never heard of it before and got curious. I found a non-medical practitioner on the internet who offers this service in my home town. So I made an appointment.

When I got there yesterday I immediately felt that this was the perfect decision. I trusted this woman spontaneously and felt very much at home and safe. The practice was friendly and painted in a warm orange that even matched my shoes. LOL So I guess one could say it was a vibrational match.

While I was lying there with my feet beeing wiggled, my legs being stretched, my muscles being kneaded, it occurred to me that this was the perfect physical exercise in letting go of resistance. It was so comforting to pass on the control of my limbs to someone who would take good care of them. I felt my resistance melting like ice.

I didn't expect to reap any manifestations, my sole intention was to feel better. In the Abraham teachings they also tell us not to take score of the manifestation, but rather concentrate on the improved vibration. And I felt like a newborn baby. You can imagine my surprise when I switched my phone out of silent mode after the session and dicovered a text that informed me about an article, which I had ordered about a year ago, which had been delivered but not the way I wanted it, and then sent back with the prospect of waiting indefinitely. Now it is waiting for me to pick it up.

But that wasn't the only thing that happened. This morning I rediscovered some money, I had put in a box before I went on my journey to "Merryland". I didn't want to travel with all that cash on me and when I placed it in that little box I caught myself thinking "Will I ever remember this?" So naturally I forgot - until this morning. So in a way I myself had put it into my vibrational escrow. ;-))

There's not question about it: I will make an appointment for another yoga massage!


A Surprising Side Effect

This weekend I visited my mom in the hospital and gave her the necklace. She liked it a lot and was touched by the fact that it was handcrafted especially for her. This was very likely to happen but there was also a miraculous side effect, that I hadn't intended at all and that might not have come to pass if I had tried to force it.

When my mom held the necklace she started imagining, which of her clothes would be suitable to wear it with. She travelled out of the hospital room into a future in which she would be healthy again. In the Abraham teachings they always say, we should tell the story not as it is but as we want it to be and thus shift our vibration enough that it would match the desired outcome. Only then we can receive what we have asked for. In that moment, my mother's focus wasn't set on pains and itches but on her well being.

I had made this accessory on an impulse, believing that it would shift my vibration to one of hope and confidence. Whether my vibration was transferred to hers, or she was positive enough to focus on the good outcome all by herself doesn't matter. The necklace represented a perfect excuse to focus on well being. It might be a good reminder to readjust the focus whenever it goes astray. I hope she will be able to keep blurring the hospital reality in favor of the flowers and the beauty of life that are always present.



For whom do we pray?

My Mom is a wonderful person. Probably the most wonderful person I have ever met. Most people who know her will agree. There is hardly anyone who doesn't like her. She simply charms everyone with her humor, her sensitivity, and her thoughtfulness. She really touches people and can find beauty in almost everything.

Before I went on my last trip to Merryland, she was admitted to the hospital because of her blood condition. It felt odd to be so far away, but I called her every day. When she told a nurse, I would, the nurse responded: "No wonder, with such a nice mother." See, that's what I mean. Everybody immediately gets, that she will bring out the best in you.

Naturally things, that she would find beautiful, are showing up often along my way. And this journey was no exception, as I saw a magazine about beadwork that sported a beautiful necklace on the title with lily of the valley flowers. My mom likes the scent, she basks in spring green, and although she might never wear it I had the intention to pick up the beading needle again and tackle this very time consuming project some time around this fall.

Shortly before I headed back, she disclosed the diagnoses to me, which she had held back for almost 10 days as to spare me from all the worry. She is challenged by a lymphoma. It was a shock at first. The only thing I could to at that time was gathering more information from my cousin, who is specialized in oncology. I could console my mother with the good news, that it's a fairly well treatable kind and that the chemo would be so light that she could keep her hair.

After that I had the impulse to start on this necklace immediately, so that I could bring it as a present right now, instead of waiting for next Xmas. I bought the beads in Merryland and threaded and threaded and threaded, thinking of all these prayer shawls that some women would knit for loved ones, who undergo a difficult time. I knew it wouldn't change my mothers situation right away, but it made me fell active and thus less helpless.

This changed my mood, and I sometimes asked myself, if that necklace would be of as much benefit to my mother as it was to me. But then it dawned on me, that this project turned my vibration from feeling helples into feeling powerful, and with this hopeful vibration I was able to support my mother better than with the necklace in the first place. I could offer her comfort instead of being a fearful child that needs to be reassured.

Making ourselves feel good is obviously the best thing to do in order to be of service to others. ;-))) The necklace itself might not be that important after all.

Of course she will get the Lilies of the Valley anyway. LOL. I threaded every morning and every evening to have it ready by tomorrow when I will finally be able to see her.


Through the Eyes of Source - A Magical Trick

I live a very exciting life with a most exciting relationship. It's challenging though because we live on two different continents - which we would like to continue, but with the two of us on the same side of the pond and then traveling together to the other side. Right now we are still working on that vision. So reality can become an overwhelming poison that would cloud my vision and soil my emotions.

Yesterday I couldn't help myself. I was beating the drum of the unwanted, and as much as I tried to focus on what I do want, reality caught up with me and again I was repeating that some old song inside of my head. I so longed to be in harmony with my vision. I yearned to be in connection with my inner source. I needed HELP !!!

Suddenly I had a thought - or was it my inner voice speaking to me? It said: "How would this look like if seen through the eyes of source, or God, or even me when being connected."

And at once all the drama fell off from me. I was able to see the magic within everything. I could appreciate again, what a wonderful lover I have met, all the things that make him outstanding and perfect. I didn't worry about the nit-picky details of the now. I was even able to see the beauty that lies in the current situation with all its potential and also the perfection of it all.

But most surprisingly I was able to see myself from the same angle. How senseless and cruel to be so hard on myself, while I was doing so wonderfully fine.

Immediately I felt the butterflies in my tummy again giving me the warm fuzzies about my beyond boyfriend, my totally awesome friends and family (with whom btw I had no drums to beat at all - just for the record - lololol), and life in general.

I was in love again.

Esther Hicks always talks about the magic of falling in love. People are happy because being in love puts them right into the vortex, and then they see each other through the eyes of source. Obviously you can start the whole process from the opposite angle two.

If that's what it takes to feel great, alive, and in love, I will put on my happy glasses each and every morning now and THINK PINK. :-)))


Book Of Appreciation

I started something, or rather resumed a very nice tradition. I am keeping a journal of appreciation for more than a week now. My mother gave me a little book to call all the wonderful things of the day to my mind before I would go to sleep. That was more than two years ago, and I did it for a while before I lost track of it.

I picked up that habit lately after listeing a lot to Abraham. Appreciating what a wise mother I have and also starting to liking it better and better. The original book of my mom is a bit small so I found a bigger one. I also reanimated a fountain pen to make the process of writing by hand more fun. And it really works. Not only seem the things I experience get better and better, also I catch myself during the day phrasing some things in my mind for that book. Or I would go on a hunt like trying to find gems or Easter eggs. So far it's a lot of fun, which might be part of the success. Before I did it more like a tiresome exercise.

It seems to be contageous. Since I cannot borrow the bike anymore that I used to ride in "Merryland" I wanted to buy a used one. It is hard to research this from here and so the knittee volunteered to do the detective work. (How very darling of him.) Yesterday he found a really good and affordable offer. We might have to add a fender though.

And other funny things are happening too. The picture of the flower windwheels, that I posted a year ago, was discovered by a magazine. They might want to print it. I don't know anything about the particulars yet, but the mere thought is very encouraging. So today I am quite the happy penguin.



I had an epiphany this weekend. Everybody would rub our fur the wrong way from time to time. When this happens a lot of people confuse character with life situation. It's not who someone truly is, it's only WHERE they are on their life's journey in that moment.

If two or more people share the same destination, it's fine if one would prefer a detour or to go faster or slower. As long as they move towards the same direction they still can share a good part of their way. If not that does not say anything about their character or their general motivation.

On my personal journey I have to share that the camera I dreamed about has manifested this weekend due to my father's support. The camera is great - I am all excitement - and I will have to learn a lot to live up to it. So this is one of the shots I took.


The Detours of Relationships

This morning a funny thing dawned on me. I reflected on relationships, as I often do, because nothing is more inspiring to me than relationships. I remembered someone telling me that there are two types of attraction: opposites and similarities. I belong to the latter category and if you don't, this post might be not interesting for you. Maybe it's because I often felt like an oddball that finfing someone who is just like me is absolutely exciting. I wallow in the pleasure of sharing similar thoughts with someone, acting the same, even dicovering the same unconventional idiosycracies is like finding hidden treasures.

Obviously it's easy for me to fall in love with a person who is more or less me. And when I come across different oppinions and other points of view in that person I feel estranged at first. My core beliefs are challenged, which I welcome of course as this is the seed for growth. But this is not the topic of today's post. This morning I realized how paradoxical it is that I am totally capable to love all the things that resemble me unconditionally, provided they greet me in another person's body, while I still jump through a bunch of loops in order to be loved and accepted.

This sounds more drastic as it is. But aren't we all trained to care more about how we feel that anyone else is very egoistic and selfish? I came a long way to learn how to listen to my needs ad feelings and to value them more than anything that is expected if me. But the irony in all this setup never hit me as clearly before as this morning.

What it boils down to is that we (the ones who seek the opposites in others feel free to regard yourself as excluded) are convinced that all what we are is loveable and adorable, as long as we see it in others, while we are depending on others to love us and thus confirm that we are the most wonderful person on earth. Why the detour? Why not accepting the fact that we are gorgeous, beautiful beings as a given and then start loving other people for what they really are and not only the comon denominatornthat we share?

I know society doesn't train us to walk around with the belief that we are magnificent. But we are. Everyone of us.