This weekend I visited my mom in the hospital and gave her the necklace. She liked it a lot and was touched by the fact that it was handcrafted especially for her. This was very likely to happen but there was also a miraculous side effect, that I hadn't intended at all and that might not have come to pass if I had tried to force it.
When my mom held the necklace she started imagining, which of her clothes would be suitable to wear it with. She travelled out of the hospital room into a future in which she would be healthy again. In the Abraham teachings they always say, we should tell the story not as it is but as we want it to be and thus shift our vibration enough that it would match the desired outcome. Only then we can receive what we have asked for. In that moment, my mother's focus wasn't set on pains and itches but on her well being.
I had made this accessory on an impulse, believing that it would shift my vibration to one of hope and confidence. Whether my vibration was transferred to hers, or she was positive enough to focus on the good outcome all by herself doesn't matter. The necklace represented a perfect excuse to focus on well being. It might be a good reminder to readjust the focus whenever it goes astray. I hope she will be able to keep blurring the hospital reality in favor of the flowers and the beauty of life that are always present.

So wonderful that the necklace has already worked its intended purpose for you and your mother. I wonder who else it will bring happiness too?