
A world teeming with coincidences

The Knittee brought a cuddly bee. It's soft and sweet and I simply love it. I can't help it, but I do have a soft spot for soft toys. Funnily enough, since that happened I seem to be surrounded by bees. They gather on all the flowers I want to shoot, which I think is very cute. Law Of Attraction at it's best.

If you start looking for evidence it's really not that hard to see. Wherever you go you will encounter the things that resonate within you. The other day I listened to Abraham in the car, when the guy who sat in the hot seat asked, if men could deliver babies. If the universe had the wherewithal to manifest every desire it creates, something like this should be possible too. Just at that moment I drove past an advertisment with a pregnant "woman" - only you couldn't see if it really was a women. The picture only showed her belly.

And yesterday the door on the driver's side of my car got scratched. It's a bit annoying. My car is not a virgin anymore and the cosmetic surgery to pretend it was would cost more than the appearance would justify. Anyhow, this morning I listened to Abraham, when Esther told a story about her and Jerry getting back to their car only to find that someone had scratched it.

I wonder what would happen if I ran around with a sticker stating "I LOVE MONEY".

1 comment:

  1. Maybe I will write that on a small card and put it in my wallet!
