I live a very exciting life with a most exciting relationship. It's challenging though because we live on two different continents - which we would like to continue, but with the two of us on the same side of the pond and then traveling together to the other side. Right now we are still working on that vision. So reality can become an overwhelming poison that would cloud my vision and soil my emotions.
Yesterday I couldn't help myself. I was beating the drum of the unwanted, and as much as I tried to focus on what I do want, reality caught up with me and again I was repeating that some old song inside of my head. I so longed to be in harmony with my vision. I yearned to be in connection with my inner source. I needed HELP !!!
Suddenly I had a thought - or was it my inner voice speaking to me? It said: "How would this look like if seen through the eyes of source, or God, or even me when being connected."
And at once all the drama fell off from me. I was able to see the magic within everything. I could appreciate again, what a wonderful lover I have met, all the things that make him outstanding and perfect. I didn't worry about the nit-picky details of the now. I was even able to see the beauty that lies in the current situation with all its potential and also the perfection of it all.
But most surprisingly I was able to see myself from the same angle. How senseless and cruel to be so hard on myself, while I was doing so wonderfully fine.
Immediately I felt the butterflies in my tummy again giving me the warm fuzzies about my beyond boyfriend, my totally awesome friends and family (with whom btw I had no drums to beat at all - just for the record - lololol), and life in general.
I was in love again.
Esther Hicks always talks about the magic of falling in love. People are happy because being in love puts them right into the vortex, and then they see each other through the eyes of source. Obviously you can start the whole process from the opposite angle two.
If that's what it takes to feel great, alive, and in love, I will put on my happy glasses each and every morning now and THINK PINK. :-)))

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