
A world teeming with coincidences

The Knittee brought a cuddly bee. It's soft and sweet and I simply love it. I can't help it, but I do have a soft spot for soft toys. Funnily enough, since that happened I seem to be surrounded by bees. They gather on all the flowers I want to shoot, which I think is very cute. Law Of Attraction at it's best.

If you start looking for evidence it's really not that hard to see. Wherever you go you will encounter the things that resonate within you. The other day I listened to Abraham in the car, when the guy who sat in the hot seat asked, if men could deliver babies. If the universe had the wherewithal to manifest every desire it creates, something like this should be possible too. Just at that moment I drove past an advertisment with a pregnant "woman" - only you couldn't see if it really was a women. The picture only showed her belly.

And yesterday the door on the driver's side of my car got scratched. It's a bit annoying. My car is not a virgin anymore and the cosmetic surgery to pretend it was would cost more than the appearance would justify. Anyhow, this morning I listened to Abraham, when Esther told a story about her and Jerry getting back to their car only to find that someone had scratched it.

I wonder what would happen if I ran around with a sticker stating "I LOVE MONEY".

How to communicate?

I was listening to Abraham again - yes I do this very often ;-))) - and they talked about us being non-physical source for the most part and only physical in the material world for a small percentage. - Yes, they do tell this very often as well ;-)))). So I wondered what this would mean in terms of communication. If I am mostly source and someone else is mostly source, couldn't we just was well communicate on this level? Or are we possibly communicating on this level perfectly all the time, while our physical self sometimes misses out on the harmony because it's too far out of the vortex?

So if we try to have a conversation entertaining words and we face disagreement, the most logical thing to do would be getting into the vortex, rather than trying to solve it using our limited language. Like Einstein said:

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.
We can even put it to a higher level. If we trained ourselves into communicating more from within the vortex, it wouldn't matter that much, if we could not talk to each other in the physical. And then we wouldn't worry about people making their transition into the non-physical, because this would be like the switch from using skype rather than the telephone.

Would we stop seeing each other or talking to each other? Of course not. It's way too much fun.

PS: If you want to see a real good movie that shows how many of our relationship quarrels are self-induced without any prompting of the significant other, check out "Lars and the Real Girl". It's a must-see. No question my favorite scene is the one with the teddy bear.


Focus on the good stuff

This Friday I had a pleasant experience. Since the knittee is here to visit, he wanted to practice a bit of table tennis. Usually I accompany him to give him a ride, watch some games, knit, and so forth. This time I wanted to use the precious minutes to send my mother Reiki to support her on her journey into perfect health and well-being.

Instead of doing the obvious, which would have been to go outside and sit in the nice patio, I sat in the gym amidst the pinging and ponging of the table tennis balls, the shouting of the players, and the humidity of their sweat. I realized this when I had already started, so I didn't want to stop at that moment. I simply focussed on my mom and blurred out everything else. Maybe it was due to the macros we took right before we drove to the gym, but I had this insight, that our mind is not so much different from a macro lense. If we want to focus on something we can blurr out all the rest. And then a environment of unpleasant debris can function as a very becoming backdrop.


Daylight Daydreaming

Instead of getting lost in a daydream, we encourage everyone to practice Daylight Dreaming.

Utilize your imaginative power to add joy, color, and purpose to your life.

With Daylight Dreaming all your days will be light!


Abraham Exercises

Since I am listening to the teachings of Abraham I am more aware, that all I want is to feel good and that it lies within my power to get there. Of course the trick is to reach for the better feeling thought. The more it is my absolute intent to feel as good as I can in my actual situation, the more I can't help to notice that new exercises to train my happy muscles pop up. The good thing about them is they're custom made and thus fit perfectly. The yoga massage was just one example.

Although the Abraham teachings provide everyone who cares to listen with a whole set of wonderful processes to move up the emotional scale, I really like it that they sort of deliver some that seem to be made just for me right into my lap. Today it happened again. I was driving home from my parents and after listening to Abraham for a while I needed some more rhythm. So I set my mp3 music player to shuffle mode, which is one of my new favorite games while driving. I have about 100 GB of music on there, and with my very versatile and all over the place taste in music - I just love the variety - you can imagine that some pieces would be very suitable for driving while others are out of the question. Mediation music, some pieces from Soundtracks that make sense in the context but otherwise, no thank you ... you get the idea. So there is a lot of flipping to the next song involved, also because not every song which is fit for driving will automatically fit my mood at that moment. But it's such a fun game to play whenever I don't have a clear desire for a certain cd or song.

I have found quite a few songs that I never paid attention to before. On the other hand I sometimes click away songs, that I would define as my favorites, just because I am not in the right mood for them now. Lately I realized that sometimes it takes a while to sound myself out if I want the song or not. And today it hit me. This is just like reaching for a better feeling thought.

It's not important if the thought made me feel better yesterday, today it might not be the right one to do the trick. It's not important if the thought would have shocked me only a week ago, if that's the one to improve my vibration right now. Sifting through the music is not so much different from that reaching out to find a thought that makes me feel better. - Haha, talking about vibration anyway.

With the music I have the full confidence to find some song eventually that makes me really feel good. And there is always more that I can add. It gives me the opportunity to evaluate my emotions quicker and quicker. It's like sharpening my instrument for vibrational fine tuning. This is so much fun.

If I go and choose a piece deliberately, chances are that I will try to match up the music with my current vibration - which is ok if you feel quite good. But whenever I let chance be my DJ, I am seeking for a piece that will make me feel better than the last piece did. It's like emotional mountain climbing, and I am determined to make it to the top. ;-)))

PS: I saw this writing on the street after visiting my mom yesterday. For the first time in weeks she had asked for a special food, and she ate a lot of it. My dad and I were so relieved, that her appetite is back. When we walked along this street, we had just come from the hospital and were on our way to visit my brother, who had refused to talk to my parents five years ago. He reconciled with them a while ago, so this is history now and he even invited us to his new home. A lot to be happy about.
PPS: Also I want to express my thanks to everyone who kept my mom in their good thoughts and sent healing vibrations. She has some miles to cover yet, but it all works.


Can you smell the pine trees?

Yesterday I experienced a wonderful, immediate manifestation. I always liked scented oils and used these cute little oil burners to enjoy the various fragrances. While lying on the yoga matt some days ago, my senses where spoiled by a whiff of orange and I remembered how much this scent always lightens up my spirits. So the first thing I did when I got home was to reactivate the big burner I have at home.

But I also thought this would be nice to have in my office again. I used to have one, but after it was broken I never replaced it. There was a time when they were so popular, that every person had at least one to spare because people were showered with them as gifts. Not anymore. I wouldn't even know where to buy one, nor did I have the time to stroll through the citiy and look for them. So I postponed the idea, knowing that I would stumble across one finally.

Yesterday a co-worker of mine unpromptedly asked me if I liked the scent of pine trees. Little did he know that this is one of my favorites when I go to Merryland. There are two places where you can smell them quite intensely, and I always take in a deep breath when I ride my bike there. So of course my answer was yes. Before I knew it there was this cute little light burning in my office giving off the wonderful aroma of pine trees.

That was quick and effortlessly.