Yesterday I experienced a wonderful, immediate manifestation. I always liked scented oils and used these cute little oil burners to enjoy the various fragrances. While lying on the yoga matt some days ago, my senses where spoiled by a whiff of orange and I remembered how much this scent always lightens up my spirits. So the first thing I did when I got home was to reactivate the big burner I have at home.
But I also thought this would be nice to have in my office again. I used to have one, but after it was broken I never replaced it. There was a time when they were so popular, that every person had at least one to spare because people were showered with them as gifts. Not anymore. I wouldn't even know where to buy one, nor did I have the time to stroll through the citiy and look for them. So I postponed the idea, knowing that I would stumble across one finally.
Yesterday a co-worker of mine unpromptedly asked me if I liked the scent of pine trees. Little did he know that this is one of my favorites when I go to Merryland. There are two places where you can smell them quite intensely, and I always take in a deep breath when I ride my bike there. So of course my answer was yes. Before I knew it there was this cute little light burning in my office giving off the wonderful aroma of pine trees.
That was quick and effortlessly.