
Letting go of resistance

In the teachings of Abraham they describe the priciples of the Law Of Attraction as follows: Step One: We experience contrast which makes us know what we want instead. Step Two: The Universe answers and puts the desired object, feeling, person, experience, or what have you in our "Vibrational Escrow". Step Three: If we let go of resistance thus exercise allowance, the things we want will manifest in our experience.

Lately I felt challenged with a lot of things and thus my level of resistance might have risen a bit. Although I kept doing all my mental exercises, I felt I could do with some relief. Two wonderful friends have told me about taking yoga-massages. I had never heard of it before and got curious. I found a non-medical practitioner on the internet who offers this service in my home town. So I made an appointment.

When I got there yesterday I immediately felt that this was the perfect decision. I trusted this woman spontaneously and felt very much at home and safe. The practice was friendly and painted in a warm orange that even matched my shoes. LOL So I guess one could say it was a vibrational match.

While I was lying there with my feet beeing wiggled, my legs being stretched, my muscles being kneaded, it occurred to me that this was the perfect physical exercise in letting go of resistance. It was so comforting to pass on the control of my limbs to someone who would take good care of them. I felt my resistance melting like ice.

I didn't expect to reap any manifestations, my sole intention was to feel better. In the Abraham teachings they also tell us not to take score of the manifestation, but rather concentrate on the improved vibration. And I felt like a newborn baby. You can imagine my surprise when I switched my phone out of silent mode after the session and dicovered a text that informed me about an article, which I had ordered about a year ago, which had been delivered but not the way I wanted it, and then sent back with the prospect of waiting indefinitely. Now it is waiting for me to pick it up.

But that wasn't the only thing that happened. This morning I rediscovered some money, I had put in a box before I went on my journey to "Merryland". I didn't want to travel with all that cash on me and when I placed it in that little box I caught myself thinking "Will I ever remember this?" So naturally I forgot - until this morning. So in a way I myself had put it into my vibrational escrow. ;-))

There's not question about it: I will make an appointment for another yoga massage!


A Surprising Side Effect

This weekend I visited my mom in the hospital and gave her the necklace. She liked it a lot and was touched by the fact that it was handcrafted especially for her. This was very likely to happen but there was also a miraculous side effect, that I hadn't intended at all and that might not have come to pass if I had tried to force it.

When my mom held the necklace she started imagining, which of her clothes would be suitable to wear it with. She travelled out of the hospital room into a future in which she would be healthy again. In the Abraham teachings they always say, we should tell the story not as it is but as we want it to be and thus shift our vibration enough that it would match the desired outcome. Only then we can receive what we have asked for. In that moment, my mother's focus wasn't set on pains and itches but on her well being.

I had made this accessory on an impulse, believing that it would shift my vibration to one of hope and confidence. Whether my vibration was transferred to hers, or she was positive enough to focus on the good outcome all by herself doesn't matter. The necklace represented a perfect excuse to focus on well being. It might be a good reminder to readjust the focus whenever it goes astray. I hope she will be able to keep blurring the hospital reality in favor of the flowers and the beauty of life that are always present.



For whom do we pray?

My Mom is a wonderful person. Probably the most wonderful person I have ever met. Most people who know her will agree. There is hardly anyone who doesn't like her. She simply charms everyone with her humor, her sensitivity, and her thoughtfulness. She really touches people and can find beauty in almost everything.

Before I went on my last trip to Merryland, she was admitted to the hospital because of her blood condition. It felt odd to be so far away, but I called her every day. When she told a nurse, I would, the nurse responded: "No wonder, with such a nice mother." See, that's what I mean. Everybody immediately gets, that she will bring out the best in you.

Naturally things, that she would find beautiful, are showing up often along my way. And this journey was no exception, as I saw a magazine about beadwork that sported a beautiful necklace on the title with lily of the valley flowers. My mom likes the scent, she basks in spring green, and although she might never wear it I had the intention to pick up the beading needle again and tackle this very time consuming project some time around this fall.

Shortly before I headed back, she disclosed the diagnoses to me, which she had held back for almost 10 days as to spare me from all the worry. She is challenged by a lymphoma. It was a shock at first. The only thing I could to at that time was gathering more information from my cousin, who is specialized in oncology. I could console my mother with the good news, that it's a fairly well treatable kind and that the chemo would be so light that she could keep her hair.

After that I had the impulse to start on this necklace immediately, so that I could bring it as a present right now, instead of waiting for next Xmas. I bought the beads in Merryland and threaded and threaded and threaded, thinking of all these prayer shawls that some women would knit for loved ones, who undergo a difficult time. I knew it wouldn't change my mothers situation right away, but it made me fell active and thus less helpless.

This changed my mood, and I sometimes asked myself, if that necklace would be of as much benefit to my mother as it was to me. But then it dawned on me, that this project turned my vibration from feeling helples into feeling powerful, and with this hopeful vibration I was able to support my mother better than with the necklace in the first place. I could offer her comfort instead of being a fearful child that needs to be reassured.

Making ourselves feel good is obviously the best thing to do in order to be of service to others. ;-))) The necklace itself might not be that important after all.

Of course she will get the Lilies of the Valley anyway. LOL. I threaded every morning and every evening to have it ready by tomorrow when I will finally be able to see her.