What interesting events in these past days. Amazing miracles are coming my way again. So it's hard to keep up and write everything down. But yesterday really took the biscuit. I'm afraid I need to go back a bit - as usual - in order to make myself understood. :-)
On my last but one visit to Merryland in April I bought this book about the Law Of Attraction called "Ask and It Is Given". It's a beautiful read and very insightful and empowering. I can only highly recommend it. I also watched the movie "The Secret" again, which inspired me to do another vision board for my job in particular and my life in general - since I regard myself as a whole being, so focusing on just one aspect of my very diverse life seems so limiting. One impulse to do so originated in the wish to create additional and alternative sources of income, in order to pay my travels to Merryland and to spend more time with my beloved Knittee.
During my last travel to Merryland in June I bought a knitting magazine because I fell in love with a sock pattern. I was also attracted to a scraf, that was shown in there, and assumed that the pattern was included as well. I was wrong, it was only an interview with the designer.
While I was browsing the craft magazines, the beloved Knittee was leafing through the digital art section, when he stumbled across an ad for a photo competition offering the prize of 10.000 $ cash. At first I thought, I would never win in such a contest, but then I realized how restrictive this thought was, and I immediately set it straight. I made a picture of the ad with my blackberry, and went to the site when I got back home. I already entered one picture, but I am allowed to upload even more pictures, which I will do shortly. But first I wanted to do some more research on other competitions, and I found a few that are also interesting. So I want to spread my good stuff a bit. ;-). Anyhow, this seemed to be the perfect way to open a door for the universe to grant me more income without having anyone die and leaving me a huge heritage. The latter idea is one, that I don't want to fancy in order to make any profit. I am sure you would agree.
I was very pleased that this opportunity was connected to Merryland. What a nice full circle it will be to spend the money, that will arise from that source, for the purpose of traveling back to the geographic origin.
The vision board was decorated with the picture in question, but I wanted to do more. One interviewee from the movie "The Secret" mentioned that he had created a check to be payable to himself with the amount of money he wanted to attract. So I thought I would do just the same, to set another stimulus and to beat my own drum for well-being a bit louder.
After printing out some check pictures, I logged in at a knitter's community to find the above mentioned scarf pattern, when I saw that I had two messages waiting from me. It was very funny, as the knitter-friend who had sent them was once in a business related contact with the designer in question. Not only that, but in her photo album I saw, that she had knitted the very scarf I was looking for. Law of attraction.
But not only that. The content of her mail was even more surprising, as she offered me a small job. I would be able to participate in a project that could grant me another ticket to Merryland. What a spontaneous reaction of the universe. How powerful and direct my wish was answered. How brilliant is that? Cool beans and over the top brilliant, I would say. ;-)))

(Sock, inspired by the Merryland knitting magazine)
Such a lovely story. I'm glad you shared it on "Jane."