This place is awesome. There is so much to admire and see. So we all had a wonderful time there.
Usually I have to get used to being on a tour with others since in my usual single life there are only rare occasions for delay. If I plan to go out, I grab my purse and shoes and off I am. With the three of us that was a whole different story. You always hang behind because one still has to pay a visit to the bathroom while the other one just needs to comb some hair. Then the next one decides to switch shoes due to the weather. In the meantime the one that has been ready to go from the first moment on decides to go to the bathroom just as a precautionary measure (of course that would be me LOL). So the time it takes to finally get going is stretched out a bit compared to when I am on my own.
Back in my hometown I fell back into my old rut and got nervous when things didn't present themselves in a way I would have expected. I longed for my relaxed state of mind but did not know how to get there. Until it finally struck me. Maybe my purpose on earth is to spend this life relishing the company of myself rather than doing this or planing that. While I toyed with this idea I found that there was much comfort to be found. I don't have to "get" anywhere, because I already achieved my goal. I am with me. No need to fuss about anything else.
Mission accomplished !
nice way to look at things! I think that will be a good way for me to look at things while I am "on the road" too!