Yesterday as I was talking on the phone with my already introduced soul sister we discussed the different attitudes people have towards money. While some seem to hoard it up, counting every penny although they are quite long on dimes, there are these other people who tend to squander it as fast as they can. Needless to say that we both rather belong to the latter category although we are careful not to make debts, of course, and try to spend it within reason. (Reason is a very elastic term, mind. LOL)
Both of us fail to understand the use of piling dollars if you don't intend to "reinvest". My mom always used to say: "Money is a dead matter, you have to convert it into life by spending it." And this makes sense to me, since I always regarded money as a form of energy. If it doesn't flow, there won't be any light, right?
But it was not before this morning that the full extent of its fleetness was revealed to me. Money itself represents a value, sometimes even a lot of value admittedly, but it only unveils it's merits if you seek to not having it any more. Otherwise it will be but an abstract figure on your bank statement or - if you keep it at home - hold the value of the paper it's printed on. So in order to get a "good run for your money", all you have to do is losing it, spreading it around, giving it away. The moment you try to hold onto it, it's value dissolves magically into nothing. In this regard money almost resembles ...
LOVE. ;-))))