
New Eye Disease Is Spreading Vastly

Increasing amounts of the worldwide population has been infected with a new and formerly undiagnosed eye disease. So far the scientists are still researching the cause and effects, as well as the manners of transmission. Up to now all the lab experiments have shown only very poor results. Isolation and an austere environment seem to minimize the effects of the plague, so every attempt to reconstruct the natural course of the illness has been fruitless.

Interestingly the epidemic had started in two different places at the same time. The first reported cases were detected on the east coast of the United States and in Western Europe. The sight defects of the inflicted are described as neither farsighted nor shortsighted, but rather seeing the world with what they describe as "different eyes". Colors are perceived brighter and more intense, likewise all forms are more harmoniously shaped. Other people are experienced as more friendly and kind, even when they're not.

The all over effect seems to be comparable with a psychedelic drug trip. To the sick even the grass on the own side of the fence is greener, and they are witnessed to be in a very exuberant and happy mood all the time. Undeterred by their surroundings they stumble through life in a state of euphoria and incurable optimism. They are inclined to hum sappy love songs and to do silly and affectionate things - which is why scientists have called the disease "heart-sightedness".

Although these symptoms seem to be harmless, albeit annoying to others sometimes, the consequences of this disease are not to be underestimated. Heart-sightedness causes irreparable damage to the brain as it can alter sad feelings and worries, and in very serious cases even erase whole traumatic memories. So far the infected have only be reported to be smiling a lot, taking life very easy, and being willing to enter new challenges without hesitation, but still keeping up a very responsible attitude.

However this disease needs to be controlled very urgently as it spreads like bushfire. In contrast to other known complaints heart-sightedness can be transmitted by a mere smile, a friendly gesture, a compliment, or even a brainwave. Conspicuous members of the human race have to be reported immediately to the authorities. The only way to curb the enormous spreading of the plague seems to lie in quarantine. The sick have to be isolated from any sensual input whatsoever and they are to be accommodated in very sterile and subdued environments.

The attending physicians are pinning their hopes on a new series of experiments. Their patients have to participate in single counseling which is not carried out by psychotherapists, but lead by IRS agents, insurance representatives, members of Jehovah's Witnesses, and sometimes even volunteering conservative politicians, who demonstrate their view of the world to the patients. In some cases the disease could be cured almost instantly, while other very stubborn patients seem to be unaffected by the truth and how bad things really are.

A vaccination is still in the test phase, but recommended measures to steel ones immune system are: meeting with an employee of your bank, discussing retirement plans with an insurance company, ordering alarm systems to protect your property, and keeping ones eyes fixed on gray asphalt rather than taking in the flowers at the side of the path.

In any case AVOID to talk to strangers, no matter how friendly they might approach you. This should make you really suspicious as it is very likely an indicator that you are dealing with a heart-sighted person.