Yesterday I had a silly thought. I was in the bathroom busy with my morning routine, lotioning my arms. I felt a wee bit rushed, my mind swirling with all the things I wanted to do, excited about all the opportunities and the creative projects I wanted to tackle this day. The lotioning was like a chore I needed to get done. And the skin almost seemed to drag its feet sucking in the lotion slower than necessary. Then suddenly I stopped in my tracks pondering. To me this might be just a tiresome skin care duty, but to my arms these minutes could be the highlight of their day. When else would they get so much attention and affection? Something in me shifted as I observed this moment from the perspective of my arms. I suddenly felt peace and appreciation, since they never let me down all day, although they only get this small amount of pampering.
This must have stirred something in me, because I experienced a similar shift at work. My desk was filled with things that needed to be done before the holidays, so I felt pressed for time when I answered the phone in order to deal with a customer's accountant. She needed an invoice to be spiced with a certain reference number in order to transfer the money. (Did I mention before that bookkeeping is a total bore and nuisance in my eyes.) She was from Rumania and had a hard time expressing herself in my language. It took a while until she could communicate her request and I detected a slight feeling of annoyance in me. Why would a company in my own country hire someone who is lacking in communication skills. I was holding out of course, because the thought of my own company receiving the money for my work's efforts is a quite satisfying one.
And then that shift happened again. Maybe to me this was an irksome moment, but to her it might be a very brave deed, exposing herself to this task in a foreign language. From my perspective she was butchering it, but from her point of view she was possibly doing quite well given the circumstances. How courageous to take up a job that would force you to grow and expand beyond your comfort zone. I felt so much appreciation and admiration for her, that I was able to resolve this issue with a lot of patience and nice words for her.
I know that everyone experience their reality based on their own perception. So this might not have done anything to that woman, or my arms for that matter. But it changed something in me. I was able to devote myself fully to the situation at hand, and my emotions were instantly uplifted.
Spirals and infinities are circling possibilities
Opportunities revolving and life evolving
Out on the edges it might heavily shake you
Jump right into the middle and it'll awake you