
Actually, Life Is Quite Simple

Yesterday it dawned upon me that life isn't that complicated at all. I realised that there is in fact only one relation - the one between me and my inner being. If this relation is harmonious, all other relations will be a blissful experience.

Consequently there is only one issue - a misalignment between you and your inner inner being. All issues that might occur are mere adventures and interesting incidents, when one is in alignment with the inner being.

And now comes the best part. There is only one purpose in life - to feel good. If one feels good, nothing else matters.

The only question is, if being in alignment with oneself is the journey. For a long time I thought it was - back when I thought being in alignment would be the purpose. But maybe it's just the vehicle, and instead of starting out for an exciting adventure I keep busying myself with polishing the fenders.

What if I just act as if I had already achieved the perfect harmony with myself? Wouldn't this open up new paths to before unimaginable horizons.

Maybe the immaculate sheen of my vehicle's finish is not that important. Maybe it's time to jump in, start the engine, and step on the accelerator. NOW !


Answer From The Universe

Yesterday it happened again. I had a strong desire and the universe took immedate action. Lately the knittee is very busy researching technical details on cameras and he told me about this very tempting one that soon became an object of my desire. Of course it comes with a correspongingly imppressive price tag. But knowing that the "how" is not my job, cause it will be taken care of by the universe, while I need to concentrate on my wish and the allowance part, I printed out the image of the said camera to stick it onto my vision board.

My next move was submitting pictures to a photography contest. At least that was my intention. But I stumbled upon a category that I had neglected before. It came with an entry fee, and so I had excluded it from my mind. Also because the prize was a camera, and at that point of my journey I was focused on additional sources of income in order to finance the frequent journeys between two continents. Wait a second...... the prize was a camera? Yes, you are right. A camera. THE very camera I am desiring. What a prompt reply of the universe.
Needless to say that I sorted through my pictures the same evening and entered this category just now. They asked for a body of work comprised of 10 pictures. I've seen very stunning images so far, and a video interview with the jurors, in which they offer their recommendations for every applicant. Some statements were disheartening, while others stated the total opposite. So I followed my heart and focused on those that would encourage everyone who felt the call to participate.

In my selection I concentrated on the theme that allways makes me forget the time. The beauty of flowers. I am a very intuitive photographer, I follow my whims and inner voice. I opened my files and exposed the pictures that are closest to my heart. So it's up to the universe now to decide, if this camera is an important step on my journey. Although I know that the universe does not need any assistance in order to fulfill a wish, a bit of cooperation on my part doesn't hurt either. ;-))).


The Heart Of Life

At the moment my mom isn't doing that well. And as I felt a bit overwhelmed I had this idea to metally visit a happy place. What immediately came to my mind was the picture I took on one of my outings with the knittee. He has this new habit of shooting videos of the sky being visible through the trees. I cannot even tell anymore who noticed first, that this particular opening looked like the shape of a heart. I thought this was very soothing as I envisioned myself being in the center of the heart - awhich was in this situation very appropriate, as my mother has a heart condition.

Pain throws your heart to the ground

Love turns the whole thing around

Fear is a friend who's misunderstood

But I know the heart of life is good

John Mayer


Human Beings

This morning I listened to the ramblings of my mind. Mostly it's a lot of clatter, but this morning something shifted and I stumbled across a puzzle I found worth remembering. I mused about all the things most people strive for: happiness, love, health, wealth ... Suddenly it struck me as an odd paradox, that we would make a lot of effort to get all these things, while language wisely states that they are not to be gained by activity. It does not say "make happy", "do healthy", "make wealth" - admittedly the phrase "make love" is correct as well, but what most of us seek is to BE in love, to BE happy, to BE healthy, to BE rich.

We are human beings and not human doings. What an irony that the things we would be willing to invest a lot of power in order to get them, are only to be received. We have to allow them into our world, to invite them into our life.

And although this makes perfect sense, it sometimes is very hard to do - or should I say NOT to do. ;-))))


Lucid Dreaming - It's All About Vibration

Last week I had a remarkable dream. I was window browsing with my mother on THE strip mall in our city’s epicentre of the homosexual community. It’s a very nice area to do any kind of shopping: fashion, esoteric books, decoration, wellness articles, you name it, they have it. So there was nothing very unusual about sauntering there – if it wasn’t for the fact, that I was lesbian in my dream. Not that there’s anything wrong with it. (Btw, did you see that Seinfeld episode in which they assumed that Jerry was gay? LOL)

I have several friends, who are bisexual or gay, and it lead me to believe that we fall more in love with a person rather than a gender. Although I also see that most people have a preference and are aware of it most, of us are born with a mix of typical male and female character traits. Anyhow, my mom had told me some weeks ago that secretively she was very happy, that I hadn’t turned out to be homosexual. This coming from her, one of the most accepting and tolerant persons I know, was quite a surprise. She explained a bit apologetically, that through her education and her generation she had been so conditioned and brainwashed, that she would have had a problem with that. Consequently I found myself in a tight spot in that dream. I desperately hoped she would not catch up on my sexual orientation in the midst of all these rainbow colored vibes.

When I awoke I pondered over this dream a lot. How could it be that I knew I was a lesbian? There was no visible evidence to prove it. I didn’t have a girlfriend at my side, nor did I have one at that time. A detail I also just “knew”. Don’t we all have dreams in which we are aware of certain premises without the visual appearance of this information? I simply “feels” like this is true. So obviously, to make something real in a dream doesn’t require any evidence materialized in the physical form. As long as we are a vibrational match to the idea, it is regarded as solid fact. In my dream I was even aware of the power of vibration, since I was afraid to give myself away by radiating this particular wave of energy.

So if it is not necessary in a dream for any idea to be represented in the matter, in order to make it a tangible truth, then my mind should be trained enough to perform the same trick in my so-called waking state. Tons of time I had dreams in which I knew, that I was in the house of someone, although it looked totally different? Or I found myself involved with a former relationship partner although he was absent in my dream. We are masters of creating a certain vibration when it comes to our sleeping hours. So I should be able to use this mechanism in my “real” life as well, since to our consciousness there might not be such a big difference anyway. Maybe that’s what lucid dreaming is all about in the first place. Not to be the director of our dreams is the goal, but to be the producer of our life. And as we all know by law of attraction, we will cause things to appear in the physical form, as soon as we emanate the right vibration.

It’s all about vibration and perception. In this picture for example I changed the colors – which are by definition different wavelengths of light, thus vibration – so that it looks like the bottom of the sea. Would you have thought that “in
truth” it is moss on a stone?