So back to yesterday when the Knittee and I had breakfast and there was an awkward vibration hanging in the air: He has not adjusted to our time zone yet and was therefore a bit oversensitive to every stimulous due to his lack of sleep. At such times everyone would be easily annoyed about nothing in particular, but he kept his composure well, being fully aware of his magnified feelings caused by the sleep deprivation. Still I felt so sorry for him and wished there was something I could do to make him feel better. Anything to make this a more happy event. I shared my feelings with him, and although they were inspired by love and compassion this didn’t really improve the situation at all. It only seemed to make matters worse. Possibly he felt self-conscious now as if being a spoil sport, or guilty for coming across a bit edgy.
Then I remembered what I heard in the Abraham teachings the other day. “Reach for a better feeling thought”, and I did. Actually I didn’t have to reach out far. Immediately I felt gratitude for being with a mate who is so conscious and observant, that he would not fall for the trap of acting out his uneasiness on me by picking a fight or being grumpy. I felt his love for me still radiating in his presence. So I joined him in the bathroom, where he was brushing his teeth, to let him know how much I appreciate his consciousness and his ability to remain undeterred by outer influences. The shift in vibration was so rapid and tangible, that it was only topped by his smile, when he related to me, that just in that moment he was about to tell me, that underneath the surface of his delicte dispostion his love for me was very alive and growing. Maybe he had sent a mental note or telepathy text. At any rate our morning took a very smooth course from then.
I will have to keep that in mind, because after deciding to change my focus it was very easy to find a thought that made me feel better. As if the relieving ideas were ready for the whistle all the time until I would finally catch on, able to focus on the light.