
Reaching out for a better feeling thought

Yesterday I had a very interesting experience. At first I was a bit hesitant to write about it, because it might sound too sappy, too emotional, or whichever "too" I could think of. But then I remembered that the purpose of this blog was to have an outlet of whatever I want to comunicate to the universe. Hence it being anonymous. So I could just as well make use of it. (Just in case you feel susceptible to cavities when chewing on sweet romantic information, you might feel inclined to go to a different site now. LOL)

So back to yesterday when the Knittee and I had breakfast and there was an awkward vibration hanging in the air: He has not adjusted to our time zone yet and was therefore a bit oversensitive to every stimulous due to his lack of sleep. At such times everyone would be easily annoyed about nothing in particular, but he kept his composure well, being fully aware of his magnified feelings caused by the sleep deprivation. Still I felt so sorry for him and wished there was something I could do to make him feel better. Anything to make this a more happy event. I shared my feelings with him, and although they were inspired by love and compassion this didn’t really improve the situation at all. It only seemed to make matters worse. Possibly he felt self-conscious now as if being a spoil sport, or guilty for coming across a bit edgy.

Then I remembered what I heard in the Abraham teachings the other day. “Reach for a better feeling thought”, and I did. Actually I didn’t have to reach out far. Immediately I felt gratitude for being with a mate who is so conscious and observant, that he would not fall for the trap of acting out his uneasiness on me by picking a fight or being grumpy. I felt his love for me still radiating in his presence. So I joined him in the bathroom, where he was brushing his teeth, to let him know how much I appreciate his consciousness and his ability to remain undeterred by outer influences. The shift in vibration was so rapid and tangible, that it was only topped by his smile, when he related to me, that just in that moment he was about to tell me, that underneath the surface of his delicte dispostion his love for me was very alive and growing. Maybe he had sent a mental note or telepathy text. At any rate our morning took a very smooth course from then.

I will have to keep that in mind, because after deciding to change my focus it was very easy to find a thought that made me feel better. As if the relieving ideas were ready for the whistle all the time until I would finally catch on, able to focus on the light.


The Attitude of Gratitude

Yesterday my car was due for the first yearly inspection. You might remember my ramblings about scraping together the money for this comparatively huge and unforeseen investment, accompanied by little miracles and cosmic signs, impersonated by coins; I stumbled upon in the middle of the street, that told me to have faith in the abundance of the universe. Well, maybe not.
Anyhow, I had made the appointment with the garage, and the service staff had booked one of their rental cars for that day. But around noon I received a call from them to have me know, that the car they had put on hold for me was still used by another customer, who's car repair seemed to take longer than expected. I was to pick up a car at the car rental across the street, but they had made all the necesarry arrangements.
When I got there I found out, that I could have booked a way cheaper car, had I known this a week earlier. A nice and fancy little Smart that always reminds me of a sneaker. It would have been fun to ride that little nippy piece of technology and I could have saved money as well. But they are highly in demand and naturally there wasn't one of these models available at such a short notice - like NOW! :-)))
You can imagine my disappointment when I was "fobbed off" with a Mazda, that is supposedly the same build as my car, but a bit more affordable with way more technology. One year ago there were some people who advised me to buy this car in order to save some money. The testride didn't convince me so I stuck to my first choice, but it wasn't that bad a car, and my choice was rather driven by intuition than reason. Yesterday I didn't feel comfortable in that vehicle at all. First of all it was less spacious and everything felt like plastic. I mean even more like plastic than the plastic in my car. If that does make any sense to you.
But then I remembered that the universe has only one interest which is my well-being, my fun, and my growth (ok that makes three - lol). Why would it deprive me from a spin with a hip four-wheeler, if there wasn't any piece of the action in the deal for me? I thought about the considerable contrast between my car and this unwieldy model, when I finally got it. It was all arranged in order to show me, that my decision - based on feeling and not on thinking - last year was absolutely right. I feel gratitude whenever I drive my car and I never felt sorrry for the amount of money I could have saved by buying the cheaper version, but this assurance was even enhanced by that experience.
I admit, I am sometimes a bit slow on the uptake, but now the penny has dropped, so next year I will make the rental car arrangement on my own and get the fun-ride-sneaker-shoe, that I wouldn't like to own anyway, but just for the experience........


It's all about vibration

Today the knittee and the knitter will reunite happily again. My, I am so excited. This cross Atlantic relationship is so rewarding. Plus it makes me grow on an infinite amount of levels. But the best part is the fun and how good it makes me feel. Obviously I must emanate some sort of vibration about it. The following incident really doesn't make sense otherwise.

I had ordered some herbal tea at an onlineshop during the soccer Worldcup. I am not partial to soccer at all, but the rest of this country is very serious if not even religious about it. So I wasn't surprised to find a freebie in the package, that was comprised of a sweatband and an artificial flower chain - both in the color of the flag -, and even a tea with a soccer related label. A little whistle, a pink thingy, which possible uses still elude me, and a key band rounded off the set. Maybe they were out of black-red-yellow keybands, but why on earth would they replace it by one from a country that is only of little consequence regarding this sport? But take a look and see for yourself, which country they picked:

The USA of all possible choices. Not only that this is in resonance with my wonderful and miraculous relationship, but the knittee actually IS an athlete in a discipline that leads an underdog life in the US, while it's highly in fashion over here. Veeeeery interesting!


Labels & Judgements

Whenever I drive past the metro station I am awed by this beautiful peace of graffiti. To me this is like contemporary art and I have witnessed the artist once working on a "piece" in the middle of the city. No flashlight activities of unreadable gang signs that are quickly sprayed onto innocent walls, but the time-consuming work of a true master. So one day I finally stopped to take some pictures and was greeted by a surprise.

I was a bit shocked to find that some other "graffiter" would soil a "canvas" that has been occupied by one of their "lot". I thought there was something like an honor among thieves policy or some kind of respect. Obviously I was mistaken.

Then I realized how often we use labels and judgements in order to categorize our world. While both sprayings could be classified as graffiti one had a higher ranking in my perspective. Who knows, if the second spray can artist at work thought of the first one as a traitor of the underground movement. Maybe it was all about marking the territory or a totally random act of thoughtlessness and/or disrespect.

But it had me thinking about how much of our life experience is created by our point of view rather than the incident itself. If I had identified myself more with the second spraying, I wouldn't have felt sorry for the beauty of the first being besmirched. I might have even felt a sense of victory over the "conformist" who seemed to have been payed for his work by the authorities. Another proof that it's actually me who creates my experiences rather than the world surrounding me.



This morning is was listening to an Abraham workshop and they mentioned the phrase "turn the other cheek". Don't worry, this is not going to be a highly religious post - lol. But it made me wonder, since I had chewed over that phrase a lot as a child, when I used to go to church every Sunday. Why would Jesus want us to have our other ear boxed as well? I wondered. Wasn't it enough to have been beaten once? What purpose would this achieve?

When I heard the line again this morning, I had an epiphany. Maybe it was only meant metaphorically - like almost everything else he said, haha, big news - and not directing us into a passive state of mind, letting the other one treat us ill. What if it was a hint for us to change our perspective and view the situation - and the opponent - from a different angle. Focusing on the aspects we like and that would make us feel good. By law of attraction we would receive only, what we deliberately concentrate upon. Thus we might be able to love our enemies, if we find something about them, that we appreciate.

Things like that happen to me all the time. I had a strong dislike for certain dialects, but whenever I met someone reaaaallllly nice, who happened to be from that region, the queer pronunciation grew on me and I started to associate a lot of positive things when I met other people from that part of the country as well.

How fatal that Jesus seems to be mostly misunderstood by those, who claim to preach the gospel. But I won't focus on THAT! I rather practice to turn the other cheek. ;-)))))


Silly Quotes

Why cry over milk, you haven't even spilled yet?


An Immediate Response

Yesterday something very funny happened. For two or three days now I am in love with a certain color. You could call it aqua or a greenish turquoise, some might refer to it as mint. I found a skein of sockyarn that had parts of it, but it wasn't the yarn base I would prefer to knit with now. (Sorry it that's gobbledygook for you, but it's needed in order to understand the whole thing.) Since I had purchased it from an indie yarn dyer, I emailed her and asked, if she could dye the same color with a different yarn base. No response.

But when I arrived at the playground, I received a soft envelope from a woman, I never ever heard of before. In it was a giftwrapped skein of yarn. I had a suspicion who had used a proxy to send me this yarn, and it turned out to be correct, but nonetheless I was amazed. I truly believe that all our wishes are granted and answered by the universe. Some not in the way we expect, because the universe might have something in mind, that's even better for us. But still the effect of desiring a skein of yarn in the morning, trying to proactively get it, failing, and then receiving a gift that fell into my lap only three hours later. That's awesome. Thank you universe, proxy, and dear knitting friend.

Of course I won't open it before my actual birthday, but I still wanted to show a picture of the yarn that tempted me in the first place.


"While some people might be afraid of death,
dyeing is not such a bad thing after all."


Creating and Co-Creating

A funny thing happened. On Sunday I visited with my friend in her beautiful garden. We talked about this and that and all of a sudden she complained about the outrageously high gas prices these days. Since I am reading the teachings of Abraham by Esther and Jerry Hicks at the moment, I was well aware of my emotions entering a downward spiral of feeling quite helpless about this situation. But instead of jumping on that train I said: "Well, then let's create a different situation. Did I tell you that the gas prices have dropped so much, that they're below 1.20 again?"

"Well that's not what I've heard," she said, and I thought, ok, now we're back on the stoney tracks of hard facts again. But to my utter surprise she continued: "They are even lower. And on top of that they stopped that silly ,9 cent thing, that is ever so irritating and misleading anyhow."

With delight I joined in, telling that the downward trend in gas prices would always be followed by good deals on plane tickets as well. Immediately I felt my feelings shift from unease to light-heartedness and joy. So I basked in that emotion, thankful that my friend, whom I never told anything about the Law of Attraction program, had returned my playful ball of creative daydreaming.

Although I know, that the Law of Attraction is a very powerful one if not the most powerful one in the whole universe, one thing really caught me by surprise the very next day on my way to the "playground" (which some people with limited imagination skills refer to as "the office" btw). As I drove by the gas station I noticed that the prices had dropped by more than 10 cents. I texted my friend this good news, and on the following day the prices went down again. They haven't stopped this silly .9 cent thingy yet, but we are working on it, so I guess they soon will. ;-)))).
PS: By the way, did I tell you that I won a huge price in a photo contest, my soul mate earned 200.000 $ this year, and they're coming up with cars now that wouldn't need gas at all?