I have been away for a while, skylarking in Neverland - so to speak - with my special ONE, not spending a thought on work or worries. The twelve days, we had together, went by like quicksand, and we strongly suspect some conspiracy out there, eager to steal our time. ;-))) Now we have to fall back on the means of modern technoligy to connect. Which turned out to be a bit shaky, after I came back.
In order to avoid destitution we planned on trying skype. We had been draggin our feet before, because the Neverland w-lan is not very consistent. Only the times called for drastic measures now. But when I came home I had to discover that my internet was down. I called my provider immediately on Friday and was fobbed off with a technician's appointment no sooner than Monday. At the same time I tried to find out, if there is another way to call the Ruler of Neverland under more fortunate conditions. I have an international flat rate, but it covers only landlines - which are not available on the end I wanted to connect with ;-))). When I talked to my provider asking if there is something like a favorite-number-plan, their system was down, so they couldn't really tell. By the time they had their information back, they found out that the flat rate indeed does not cover cell phones. I talked to maybe 5 different people from that company in the course of this issue, only to hear, that they could not help me out.
But aid was on its way in the form of a fellow knitter, who knew a website that would name call-by-call numbers for international calls to cell phones. So we had something to go on. But since they change their prices around midnight, I still would have needed my internet back.
During lunch break I mailed this to Neverland and was almost ranting and raving about the poor service of my provider. Catching myself in the act I reconsidered the whole matter. Maybe this was just THE key to present us an unforeseen possibility to get in touch with each other. So I ended my mail with a confident note, that the universe would provide us with all the necessities. Little did I know by then that I was right.
Monday came, along with the technician. Neither could he fix the line, he did not even stop at my appartment to talk to me about the further procedure. I wonder why I had to leave work early that day in order to be available to him ;-))). When it got later and later I called the provider myself (again) to find out that they would give it another try on Tuesday. BUT against all odds, just on the off chance that this employee might know something the others had been unaware of, I asked her if there was a possibility to get my international flat extended to cell phones as well.
And I was granted my wish. This woman told me, that the flat rate had been upgraded for some countries, since most of their citizens were using mainly cell phones. Hooooray. Of course, they did not upgrade my flat automatically when they made the change, but it will cost the same price and this helpful lady arranged an amendment of my contract immediately. I will have to wait some days until I get the confirmation and it will take effect. But on Tuesday my internet got repaired as well, and for the time being I can tide myself using call-by-call numbers.
To me this came as a miracle. I had asked several people of that company over and over without any luck. And right after sending an email full of confidence, that it would all work out to our benefit, I happen upon the ONE person that has the solution right up their sleeve. So I ask myself, what would have happened if I had just cursed and sworn in that email?
So I will keep on being optimistic, as there is another matter that needs to be remedied. The generous universe that granted the Ruler of Neverland an unlimited amount of text messages free of charge (outgoing and incoming), has now stated that international texts are excluded from that policy. And they are planning to charge him big time for the previous two months (happy anniversary btw. LOL).
Dear Universe, please help us find some solution, as we do enjoy texting a lot and we would miss it immensely. I trust that whatever you come up with will be better than what we already had. You always do. So I keep my mind open for all possibilities, may it be text messages or something way better, which exceeds my imagination at the moment. Since putting my confidence in writing helped so much yesterday, I thought I might use this hotline for what it was originally intended. ;-)))