Yesterday I had a vision. At least literally speaking. I finally took a test ride with the car I consider to buy. It's fun to drive with, feels great and has an unbelievable tight turning circle. The power steering - which I never had before - is pure luxury, especially now since I bruised my shoulder and elbow lately. As for all the other things like the power and sound of the engine or the car stereo, I am not able to judge them because they gave me a car that came with all the bells and whistles, which I surely am not willing to afford even if I could. I can see their point though. They are not able to provide every variation, and of course they would like you to fall in love with one or the other gadget. I remained steadfast in my resolution only to buy the basic model with the smallest engine and an additional car stereo. That's a must for me - being a music and audio book lover. I cannot imagine even an one hour drive with just me doing all the entertainment.
But my resistance broke down when I saw the color. This model only comes off the peg in white and a dark blue. White looks nice for the first five minutes after a good car wash. So I targeted for the blue. It looked nice in the folder and real good on the internet. But in the flesh it looked dull and sad. I couldn't bring myself to even imagine me stepping in such a car every morning and being cheerful. I am a colorhappy person. I drink colors, I suck them in, and they are means or therapeutic treatment to me. So I had to deal with the heavy task of choosing the right color for me.
There is a very vibrant lime green and I really entertain a soft spot for this particular color. But would this be good for everyday use? Same goes for the wonderful magenta. These two colors are flying of the shelves now, so I figured this would not be the right choice. One lime green car in the street looks good, two look like competition. So I thought I would go for a color called vision blue. It looks very lively and refreshing, sporty and fast. And the image of two of a kind parking next to each other leaves me with the feeling of family instead of two bitches struggling for attention. ;-)))
I was about to leave when I spotted another option shown in the catalogue, but not on any car. Eggplant. I really love this shade and often wanted it on a car. So there I was - wavering again. This color looks classy and stylish. Shouldn't I go for the more timeless option? The downside: It only shows off in bright sunlight, otherwise it looks - well, brown.
So I went to my local yarn shop in order to sit on the couch along with some other customers to knit for a while and give my thoughts some rest. When I stepped in there was already one knitting friend sitting there. She never shows up that early and what came even more as a surprise, for once she was not wearing her usual autumn colors. She always goes for orange, rust, pumpkin, olive, and sometimes even brown. But this day she wore vision blue. The exact color I was on the verge of ordering. That couldn'd be just a coincidence. I think the message is clear.
This "vision" will cost me some additional money, and if I ever have to replace a fender, it will increase the amount necessary for the repair, but since money is always floating back..... I had another prove of that two days ago, when a second hand dealer who sold me a book online did not score full marks in my comment because the book was in worse shape than he had promised in his description. The dealer wrote me a mail offering a refund if I would delete my comment. I readily agreed to that. So it's not even pennies on the streets anymore ;-))).
I think I will go for my vision. Even the name is stirring me on. And it reminds me of the vastness of the sky on a clear day. Like the one you see in the picture with the fabulous tree. May there be more visions to come.
Some decision has to be made. Which means I need a new car. I never thought this would happen so soon, but due to circumstances that might only bore the pants off you a change has to be made quickly. There are of course thousand options and even more opinions. It's like going to the doctors. Ask seven people and you will get just as much advice.
What it all boils down to is that I could go for a very reasonable car that looks nice and is supposed to stay with me for a very long time. It has a year more to offer warranty-wise than the other option, which has a fairly good reputation too, but looks real cool. In either case I would be flat broke and all my savings for other occurrences will be gone in a wink. So wouldn't I be better off with something that fully pleases me now and which might be just as long lasting as the other car?
But that itself is not very miraculous. Surprisingly there is something else going on since this car issue is on my mind. I stumble across money. It started with one cent in the storeroom at work while I was discussing car options with a very nice and helpful colleague. I gave the lucky penny to him without thinking.
Next day I went grocery shopping and found even more cents on my way to the store. And then the thought struck my mind that someone might try to get a message through to me. Hadn't I made the experience more than once before that spending all my savings would not leave me destitute. More money would be bound to rush in, so this wouldn't be the end of the world obviously. Of course such an investment has to be considered thoroughly, but after all the thinking is done it's time to put all my trust in the universal power of refilling my resources again.
And in order to really emphasize this point someone up there sent me a dream last night in which I again found money on the street. Looks like this energy is trying to get in even through concrete. Just like dandelions - the bravest flowers in our civilization - wiggle their way through stones and walls.

I think it's time to send my response to whomever is messaging me there:
"ROGER, I think I got it now!"