I know, I know,
I neglected this blog tremendously. All the little things that happened seemed either too minor or did not put me into a spirit of enthusiasm enough to get me started on writing. But this day honestly has.
I have to start with a little bit of prehistory. I am confronted with a streak of loose ends at the moment. A lot of material things need to be fixed plus my parents aren't doing that well. My mom came down with a serious disease which is chronic but can be treated. Thank goodness. But all of this is keeping me a little bit under stress. And one way for me to deal with this is seemingly having some weird sort of accident in which I hurt myself in order to focus on me again plus giving me a break and some allowance to be weak and fragile.
In this case it happened on Saturday as I tripped when I was walking through the inner city. I fell hard on the ground and on my right shoulder and elbow. Some nice passers-by immediately stopped and made sure I was fine to walk and take care of myself. I was a bit under shock and my arm hurt immensely, but since I could move it in every direction I figured nothing was broken. I went to a hospital on Sunday to get an X ray after a night without sleep and a lot of more pain since my shoulder was swollen now, got some medication and the diagnosis that nothing was broken (thanks Geoff), got better and went to work on Monday. Not such a good idea, although driving is a funny experience steering with the right hand while shifting gears with the left ;-))) . This really works. LOL
Anyhow, in a nutshell, I called in sick today because I overdid it on Monday and needed to give my arm rest. I had a very pleasant day which feels a bit funny, because one is not supposed to have fun when being on sick leave. At least that's what my inner critic would say. But I did not pay attention to this fellow. Instead I decided to take a walk in order to at least have some exercise since my daily work out is badly stripped down to half an hour and would exclude everything that includes the arms. I wanted to try on a ring I had seen in a shop window twice. The shop was always closed then but the ring really got me hooked. A dangerous stroll, but this thing was really calling me. And it fits perfectly and looks good, feels good, so I went for it.

I kept it on but the lady was still handing me the little box. And funny enough I took it with me although I thought I would throw this little plastic
cube away immediately as soon as I got home.
Then I wanted to have a water in the sun so I went to several street cafés. I like to do that from time to time in order to socialize and have some small talk with strangers. The first place was only serving sparkling water and the second place was shadowy and asked for such a ridiculously high price for just a glass of water that I decided to walk back home, grab a bottle of my own water, and go to the park across the street in order to sit on a bench in the sun.
While I was happily knitting and talking to my mom on my cell a handicapped women asked if she could join me on the bench. I asked her if she would mind me finishing my conversation, and she said that wouldn't be a problem for her. So I talked to my mom for several minutes longer and after I hung up this woman and I drifted into a conversation. A real good one. She had an attitude one does not meet very often. Like she thought that people who always get disappointed by others better should ask themselves what THEY did wrong instead of blaming the ones who let them down. WOW. I always thought sitting in the green is nicer, but would exclude me from a nice conversation so I mostly I opt for the cafés instead. And today I had been given all of it this morning. The green that heals my soul, a chat with a lady who shared my opinions.
After lunch I had an appointment with a physiotherapist. This date had been set up before Easter but it came in quite handy now because that guy could examine my arm and shoulder from another point of view. I went there early and sat down in another park previously unknown to me. The grass had just been mown and I felt very happy. I love the scent of freshly mown grass. Some children had collected all the cut off dandelions and as I passed one girl she was fondling one silvery blossom which they had laid out separately. I asked her what they collected them for. She said they would sell them and I should feel how nice and soft they were. "Oh", I said, "so these are wishing flowers?" And she confirmed that. I wanted to buy one and she only asked one cent - after consulting her older brother. So I gave them ten cents for two blossoms. Her brother picked out the second one and made sure I got a real big one. I wanted to send them to my mom but could not think of a way to protect them on my way home - when I remembered the little plastic cube I got from the woman who sold the ring. Bingo. I was so amazed how everything fell into place.
I sat a knit for a while and then I realized that this park was full of lilac bushes. My mom had asked me to make a photo shot of a white one. She needs that for a birthday gift and I know that there is one bush close to a friend's garden, but the blossoms are very high in the sky and hard to shoot. So I went to that park again after seeing the physiotherapist and was lucky to find one bush with white blossoms.
All the kids had discovered that there was some money in selling flowers and I bought some lilacs for 50 cent since I love the scent of lilac in my house.
How nicely everything turned out this day. I was really giving up control and whenever I do this I am guided and well protected.
I only wish I could surrender more often, but I surely will have to pursue this.
I neglected this blog tremendously. All the little things that happened seemed either too minor or did not put me into a spirit of enthusiasm enough to get me started on writing. But this day honestly has.
I have to start with a little bit of prehistory. I am confronted with a streak of loose ends at the moment. A lot of material things need to be fixed plus my parents aren't doing that well. My mom came down with a serious disease which is chronic but can be treated. Thank goodness. But all of this is keeping me a little bit under stress. And one way for me to deal with this is seemingly having some weird sort of accident in which I hurt myself in order to focus on me again plus giving me a break and some allowance to be weak and fragile.
In this case it happened on Saturday as I tripped when I was walking through the inner city. I fell hard on the ground and on my right shoulder and elbow. Some nice passers-by immediately stopped and made sure I was fine to walk and take care of myself. I was a bit under shock and my arm hurt immensely, but since I could move it in every direction I figured nothing was broken. I went to a hospital on Sunday to get an X ray after a night without sleep and a lot of more pain since my shoulder was swollen now, got some medication and the diagnosis that nothing was broken (thanks Geoff), got better and went to work on Monday. Not such a good idea, although driving is a funny experience steering with the right hand while shifting gears with the left ;-))) . This really works. LOL
Anyhow, in a nutshell, I called in sick today because I overdid it on Monday and needed to give my arm rest. I had a very pleasant day which feels a bit funny, because one is not supposed to have fun when being on sick leave. At least that's what my inner critic would say. But I did not pay attention to this fellow. Instead I decided to take a walk in order to at least have some exercise since my daily work out is badly stripped down to half an hour and would exclude everything that includes the arms. I wanted to try on a ring I had seen in a shop window twice. The shop was always closed then but the ring really got me hooked. A dangerous stroll, but this thing was really calling me. And it fits perfectly and looks good, feels good, so I went for it.
I kept it on but the lady was still handing me the little box. And funny enough I took it with me although I thought I would throw this little plastic
Then I wanted to have a water in the sun so I went to several street cafés. I like to do that from time to time in order to socialize and have some small talk with strangers. The first place was only serving sparkling water and the second place was shadowy and asked for such a ridiculously high price for just a glass of water that I decided to walk back home, grab a bottle of my own water, and go to the park across the street in order to sit on a bench in the sun.
While I was happily knitting and talking to my mom on my cell a handicapped women asked if she could join me on the bench. I asked her if she would mind me finishing my conversation, and she said that wouldn't be a problem for her. So I talked to my mom for several minutes longer and after I hung up this woman and I drifted into a conversation. A real good one. She had an attitude one does not meet very often. Like she thought that people who always get disappointed by others better should ask themselves what THEY did wrong instead of blaming the ones who let them down. WOW. I always thought sitting in the green is nicer, but would exclude me from a nice conversation so I mostly I opt for the cafés instead. And today I had been given all of it this morning. The green that heals my soul, a chat with a lady who shared my opinions.
After lunch I had an appointment with a physiotherapist. This date had been set up before Easter but it came in quite handy now because that guy could examine my arm and shoulder from another point of view. I went there early and sat down in another park previously unknown to me. The grass had just been mown and I felt very happy. I love the scent of freshly mown grass. Some children had collected all the cut off dandelions and as I passed one girl she was fondling one silvery blossom which they had laid out separately. I asked her what they collected them for. She said they would sell them and I should feel how nice and soft they were. "Oh", I said, "so these are wishing flowers?" And she confirmed that. I wanted to buy one and she only asked one cent - after consulting her older brother. So I gave them ten cents for two blossoms. Her brother picked out the second one and made sure I got a real big one. I wanted to send them to my mom but could not think of a way to protect them on my way home - when I remembered the little plastic cube I got from the woman who sold the ring. Bingo. I was so amazed how everything fell into place.
I sat a knit for a while and then I realized that this park was full of lilac bushes. My mom had asked me to make a photo shot of a white one. She needs that for a birthday gift and I know that there is one bush close to a friend's garden, but the blossoms are very high in the sky and hard to shoot. So I went to that park again after seeing the physiotherapist and was lucky to find one bush with white blossoms.
All the kids had discovered that there was some money in selling flowers and I bought some lilacs for 50 cent since I love the scent of lilac in my house.
How nicely everything turned out this day. I was really giving up control and whenever I do this I am guided and well protected.
I only wish I could surrender more often, but I surely will have to pursue this.