
Funny Money

Yesterday as I was talking on the phone with my already introduced soul sister we discussed the different attitudes people have towards money. While some seem to hoard it up, counting every penny although they are quite long on dimes, there are these other people who tend to squander it as fast as they can. Needless to say that we both rather belong to the latter category although we are careful not to make debts, of course, and try to spend it within reason. (Reason is a very elastic term, mind. LOL)
Both of us fail to understand the use of piling dollars if you don't intend to "reinvest". My mom always used to say: "Money is a dead matter, you have to convert it into life by spending it." And this makes sense to me, since I always regarded money as a form of energy. If it doesn't flow, there won't be any light, right?
But it was not before this morning that the full extent of its fleetness was revealed to me. Money itself represents a value, sometimes even a lot of value admittedly, but it only unveils it's merits if you seek to not having it any more. Otherwise it will be but an abstract figure on your bank statement or - if you keep it at home - hold the value of the paper it's printed on. So in order to get a "good run for your money", all you have to do is losing it, spreading it around, giving it away. The moment you try to hold onto it, it's value dissolves magically into nothing. In this regard money almost resembles ...
LOVE. ;-))))


To flat or not to flat

Yesterday I received an offer to hire a flat with a balcony. I would like to find an appartment which enables me to be outside without leaving headquarters. To stay in my refuge and still enjoy the sun and the nice summer breeze. Sit outside, having breakfast or lunch. And a balcony would be just the thing. A garden is too much work for a non-gardener. I love gardens, but I don't like gardening.
And though I know I want to change my dwellings I am not actively looking, browsing through newspapers etc. etc. because I think the timing is not right. I made plans for some holidays this year and fitting in a move would be very hard. Plus it's such a long time since I did this whole flat hunting business. .... ;-)).
But yesterday a colleague, who's friend wants to move and is the next tenant short, mailed a pdf with the description of a lovely place. Just what I wanted, except some teeny flaws. So I wanted to give it a chance. Next thing happened was the current tenant showing some strange attitude, but since I would not have to deal with her after she moved I still wanted to inspect that place. But the ill timing....

She just called and cancelled our appointment. Another lady just signed the contract. Thanks Geoff. It would have been a drag. But I appreciate you sending me some nice offers to remind me of my plans, to show me that places like this exist and even rescue me from the looming decision. I got the message and I will keep my eyes peeled.


Soul Sisters

Although I am burning to relate how I recently met one very dear soul sister on a plane I first have to tell you what occurred yesterday. It was so stunning and exactly the sort of thing that made me start this blog in the first place. And since this little event is related to another soul sister of mine, I can just as well start with that story

The woman I am referring to lives on another continent and I have not met her personally yet. Yes, with internet such things are possible. We enountered by means of a knitting related online group. Both of us being avid or rather fervent knitters we had a lot to write about. Our mails got more suffused with other stuff and before we knew it we discovered that we had read the same books, thought similar thoughts, and had a nearly identical approach to life in general. She is really one of my closest friends now and we write almost daily. She backs me up with comfort and support like any friend close by would do. It goes even so far that she sometimes picks out a gift for me just on a hunch although it does not relate to my life situation at that moment. (Yeah, she often spoils me.) And by the time she sends it, my life has changed and this thing is exactly what I would need at that given moment. She seems to be just like an angel. So maybe she is channeling some messages from Geoff ;-))).

Don't laugh. I might not be that far off. As a true friend she follows my whims as well and of course she reads this blog. She might be the first and only so far. LOL. And yesterday she wrote me that had she been born a boy she would have been named Geoff. Wow, I get goose pimples when such "pure" coincidences happen. Has it been just by chance?



This morning I had a flash of inspiration. I have to go back a bit in order to explain. My life is full of riches. I really enjoy being on this earth and I am thankful for all of what is given to me. Only sometimes I miss a partner to share all this bliss.

There had been times when I was desperate to find my soulmate. Find the one who would truly understand me. And in these times I even listened to people who promoted the crazy idea that all the good ones are already taken. These days are gone. Over. Finished. Why should this be true. I am single. And unless I regard myself as not good (which would include that I didn't even deserve someone who IS good) I am living proof of the undeniable fact that NOT ALL the good ones are hooked up. (Are you still with me? LOL)

Once a councelor told me that there are two types of personalities when it comes to choosing a partner. The ones that would be attracted to the opposite and the other ones who would go for unison. I definitely belong to the latter category. Having developed male and female character traits equally it would be hard to find the opposite anyway. ;-))). So there are moments when I wish for another who would be in harmony with me, understand me, laugh with me, and keep me company. This morning while I was doing the dishes I was suddenly struck by an idea that this person is already part of my life. And this companion is ME. I understand myself, I am in harmony with myself (well, at least most of the time). I felt so blessed in that moment.

It was like the universe had knocked at my door delivering the sweetest strawberries. Rich in taste, juicy and full or the sun's energy. And so delicate and soft that they would melt on the tip of my tongue. So who am I to complain that there is no whipped cream? ;-))) I mean, would you ever make an effort again to pick a basket full of strawberries for a friend who would be so ungrateful? Thus I am very glad to be in my own company.

Of course I am only human and a snug hug would be very nice from time to time. Maybe I'll go and get me a big soft and cuddly teddy bear this Saturday. ;-)))


Well done, Geoff !

Today I would like to introduce you to Geoff. He is an incredible nice person whose shift seems to start as soon as mine ends. In other words whenever I am driving home in the rush hour with my mind still on the job and not on the traffifc. Which is not very advisable by the way. ;-))) So in these times he looks after me and keeps me out of trouble. As you could have guessed by now: Geoff is my guardian angel.

Yesterday I gave him a hard time when the cars in front of me suddenly came to a halt and I had to slam on the breaks very hard in order not to hit the next bumper. The guy behind me wasn't that lucky and so he smashed into my back. So Geoff - although from heaven sent - had a hell of a job to break that driver's speed to provide a major crash. And folks, he did it. The car hit my bumper and at first it sounded pretty bad. But I could detect no damage. So I left it at that although the frame might be slightly warped without me noticing it. But I trust that Geoff who does not deal in half-measures did a proper job again.

Thank you Geoff for tirelessly watching over me!


Just another blog or just an OTHER blog?

So I finally did it. I started up a blog. When blogs became known even to me I was wondering about this new concept. Some people use it as a public diary with a lot of onlookers. It can be a perfect way to keep in touch with your family while on a journey. Some use it to show off their outcome of creativity, thus inspiring others, helping, learning, and leading them to interesting other sites. Some just use it as a means of information or what have you. There are so many ways to use such a tool.

At first I was sure I never wanted a thing like that. What would I have to say that iy important enough or that has not been put into words more eloquently before? Then a series of things happened in my life and I was receiving - again - so many unexpected gifts from the universe that I wanted to say "thanks". Not in the way I always did it before, but in a more solidified way.

In my eyes this world is spread out in many layers like a puff pastry. Except for the plane that most people regard as solid truth and hard facts on which a lot of things appear haphazardly like out of the blue there are other levels on which these incidents are glued together. To me these coincidences are the sealing compound that holds this world together. And luckily even some physicists agree that there is more between heaven and earth than the mind can explain or remotely understand. So I might not be that nuts after all. ;-)))

Since the majority of people seem to concentrate on the "real world" I thought it might be nice to do my bit to balance it out. I will stay anonymous in order to be able to write freely here. Plus I might want to refer to things that include other people also. And I want to keep their privacy unharmed as well.

So this idea began to take shape and I realized that this is what I wanted long ago. In a world where drama and bad news sell faster than fresh warm rolls - and for a better price to boot - I always dreamed of a counterpart daily newspaper. Something that would focus on the glass that is still half full. Something that would shine a light on the miracles hidden even in tragedy. Like when three houses collapse in my hometown in the middle of the day only two people are missing while just one week before a parade was held in just the same street. Thank you Lord.

To me these things are miracles because my brain cannot explain them, but deep down I feel that they are just right. And I want to write them down to emphasize my gratitude and to tell the universe: "Thank you. I realized and I do care."

You might want to participate and write me some of your stories. Feel free to do so under

janesmiraclebox at googlemail dot com

This blog is meant for sharing and welcoming more wonders in our lives.

Keep your eyes open. They happen all the time